I have to say I am kinda glad the Biggest Loser Challenge is over, as much as I need the push, I don't like the feeling of being in a competition, I don't do well with deadlines, I am a procrastinator by nature so when I have a deadline I wait til the end and then finish, cant do that with weight loss. When I started out the journey it was the motivation I needed, I had support and a cash prize in sight. In the end I got so much more....
When I first started WW, it was all about dumping off as much weight as I possibly could, as fast as I could. I have always heard that muscles weights more than fat so I was not going to exercise so it would come off faster. I lost 6 pounds the first week, so that was pure motivation. The more I would research, and talk to others, I realized in the long term, exercising really needs to be a part of my daily life. I want to be an active 80 year old, and I believe that exercise will help me achieve that, also gym workouts were a big part of Biggest Loser. I told you the story of Heidi, who invited me to gravity class and I was praying for it to be full, this class has actually turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I almost vomited the first day and I couldn't walk for days, but to me that is actually a good feeling knowing that my body is getting work it needs. But when you workout hard, and it kicks your butt, you would really hope the numbers on the scale would reflect that as well, its not the case for me. Some weigh ins, I would lose at all, sometimes I would make 2 pounds a week, it frustrated me beyond, because I was working so hard. I went in to weigh for Biggest Loser and Brenda (the trainer) measured me, from the last time I was measured, my hips and stomach area had gone down 10 inches! That made me smile! As much as I focus on the numbers on the scale I need to remember the gym work I am doing is paying off and building muscle, which in turn weighs more than fat, so I do use the the scale to see the progress, measuring is just as much a tool if not more to me. Lesson #1 learned
My routine consists of spin class 2 nights a week, gravity class 2 nights a week, spinning and jogging on Saturdays and jogging on Sundays...I started the jogging for cardio reasons, and to see how much I could actually do. Personally I find it boring, BUT I have never sweat so much in my life and that makes me feel great. I am not looking to do marathons, I am doing a 5k in California, and made that my goal. Last night at the gym I ran a 5k on the treadmill without stopping in 44 minutes. It makes me feel good that even tho I am still quite overweight I have the endurance to complete it. So with that the cliche of..If I can do it, you can do it comes to mind. Lesson #2 learned
My eating...UGH! This is probably the hardest thing ever for me. I want this to be a lifestyle change and I want it to be achievable. I mentioned above that in the beginning I wanted the weight off fast. I'm seeing that its not as easy at that. I like WW because I can eat whatever I want as long as it is within reason, and I just cant eat it ALL the time. Ive been on diets that had the food prepared for me, lost weight, gained it back. Ive been on diets that cut out carbs. white flour and sugar, lost tons of weight, gained it back. I cannot deprive myself of things, its not realistic for me. There is going to be times in life that I will want a piece of cake, and to have the mind set that I cant have cake, makes me want to have cake even more, and the mindset of when I'm done dieting and have lost the weight, then I can have cake, has been my mindset all along and what has put the weight back on. I discovered at Jessica's birthday party that I was enjoying the company of my family that I didn't even really need cake, so I opted out of it. I didn't miss it, and I felt good about not eating it. Saturday night, I went to dinner with some girlfriends and I really wanted a piece of chocolate cake and I had it. It played mind games with me at first, then I reminded myself, I was within my points and I had exercised an hour earlier that day. This is the way I want to live. Knowing that I can enjoy something, in moderation, and excising to offset my choices. Lesson #3 learned
My friends and family...The biggest thing and most unexpected to come from this challenge was the friends I made along the way and the support I received. I mentioned Heidi the spin chick in my very first blog, I had no idea how much of an impact Heidi would have on me. I used to see her all the time at Albany Christian, I always noticed her cause she dressed very stylish, I would see her at the gym and believe it or not, I'm not always outgoing, especially in a place I am intimidated so I really never talked to her, then she approached me in spin class and the rest is history. She pushes me, believes in me, goes out of her way to work out with me, and she is living proof that exercise and eating healthy WORKS! Along the way I also met Lissette, a hot Spanish beauty, who gives me a hug when I see her, and Becca who encourages me, and always smiles. These girls make me want to go to the gym everyday, makes such a big difference when you know your friends are there to laugh with, and understand the pain, and yell at you to keep going cause they believe in you. My friends outside the gym text me with encouragement, some of them have lost weight right along side me, my kids never complained that I go, Jake sometimes goes with me and does his homework and waves from the table. They both went jogging with me the other day and made sure I was ok. Erich always sends me texts from the academy to tell me good job, Jenny at work counts Weight Watcher points with me, Jeana is running the 5k with me, my mom picks up my kids from their activities so I can make it to the gym on time for a class. I am very lucky to have so much support, and kindness in my life. For the 1st time ever I feel like an achiever rather than a failure. Lesson #4 learned
On Facebook I posted that I lost over 17 pounds and 7% of my body weight on Biggest Loser and am at 28 pounds total since I started getting serious in January about losing weight. Our group tied for 2nd place out of 5 teams, we did a pretty good job. I won an award for losing the most weight since the last official weigh in, so that was pretty cool...I'm thankful for being asked to participate and now I'm ready to keep going.
I'm done blogging for now...I thought since I was a talker I would be blogging everyday, and maybe if I had access to a computer more often I would, but I wanted to complete at least this journey and I talk enough on Facebook for the whole town of Albany, I'm sure you will all know whats going on :) Thanks for taking this journey with me....