So this is my last week before I weigh in on Friday. I definitely didn't blog as often as I would have liked to, but I'm also thinking alot of it would have been repetitive. Great week, bad week, I love exercise, I hate exercise blah blah. So maybe it was a good thing :) Since my last blog Ive lost another 2 lbs, which I guess is ok but it disappoints me a little. All of is lose weight differently and I'm learning that I need to look at things differently instead of focusing on the number on the scale. That number is so controlling, I watch it everyday and it alters my mood, if I'm down I think I'm Queen Latifah and if it stays the same or goes up I beat myself up for it and it ruins my day. That's just wrong! At WW this last week a lady shared with all of us that when she doesn't see the weight go down on the scale she writes down the changes that she has seen and I thought that was a great idea so I am going to do the same.
We went on a cruise in October and that's were I realized I needed to do something. I have a favorite pair of jean capri's and they wouldn't even go on at all and I couldn't take them on the cruise. I pulled them off the shelf this week and they went on and zipped and I wore them to dinner. That was huge! A pair of capri's I did wear on the cruise are way to big, but I like to wear them because it reminds me of what I've achieved. In April I am going with my mom and sister in laws to California, it is my Grandma's birthday but also a 5k walk for the Christian Home my Grandparents live in, so another test will be how the seat belt fits in the airplane. I fly somewhere at least 2 times a year and I always make a mental note of how the seat belt fits, maybe that's weird, but its what I do. So I'm excited to see how it fits compared to when we flew to our Cruise Ship. And the goal is to jog/run as much of the 5k as I can while I am there. Which takes me to the exercise part of things. I am beginning to really enjoy exercising, I didn't say LOVE it but enjoying it. I think exercise is just as or more important than the eating, just because a person is thin, doesn't make them healthy and in shape. My friend Heidi has been exercising for quite awhile, she has lost close to 90 pounds and she is doing her 1st triathlon in April. That is sooo awesome! She runs in the mornings, swims at lunch and then does spin class and other exercises in the evenings, its time for her to put them all together and accomplish something I only dream of. I have noticed how exercising has changed the shape of my body, how much more endurance I have, how much faster I walk, and confidence.
Weight Watchers doesn't restrict what a person can eat, just portion control. so I can eat anything I want, just not as much as I want, well that sounds like a big duh, but really its true. Its a lifestyle change not a "diet" I still have pizza, bacon, pancakes, I just have to pick and choose if that's what I really want and I may not be able to have a cheeseburger and pancakes and bacon in the same day. An example for you is that a slice of Pepperoni Pizza is about 8 points, I get 34 points in a day, so easily I can have 2 pieces for dinner, I just now don't eat it with ranch like I used to. None of us should be told we can never "have" something again just cause we are dieting, however you put M&M's in front of me I don't just eat one, so in honesty somethings I do stay away from cause I still lack self control. But I can buy a little bag of them for 6 points, IF I really really need a fix. So anyways all of this is just my personal revelation, things don't work the same for all of us, so I'm not telling anyone how to do anything, this is just whats been working for me.
As for water..BLEH BLEH BLEH Oh for Pete's sake I hate the stuff!! I know its so important to have and I drink 64 ounces of the yuck everyday, and sometimes even more. It has made me cut back on Diet Pepsi but I still drink at least 2 cans a day, which is better than the 12 pack I used to drink and that is not an exaggeration. Not to mention the 35 trips to the bathroom everyday, which is really inconvenient sometimes, but they say drinking water is a key to losing weight, I have to agree just not my favorite.
So Friday is the big weigh in day, I have 4 exercise classes to go before it gets here, I'm hoping I can work off a few more pounds, and just because the competition is over doesn't not mean my journey will stop. Ive only just begun and I'm excited to keep going. Last weekend I started walking for 1 min and then jogging for 1 minutes for a total of 30 minutes, I am determined to finish something, whether it be the 5k or just being able to jog 30 minutes straight without walking. Its good to have goals right?
So i feel this blog is a little random and maybe a bit "look at me" but I hope it doesn't come across like that, I just want people to know that we are all different, do things at a different pace, and we cant compare ourselves to anyone, nor should we judge how people go about things, and that goes for myself too. I'm learning more than just about weight loss in this journey, alot of the same things apply to parenting, and marriage as well. Hope you all have a good week and can find something this week, other than a number on the scale, that you have achieved :)